Prism Reading Level 1 Student's Book
Prism Reading Level 1 Student's Book with Online Workbook
ISBN 9781108556194
저자 Cambridge University Press
발행일 2023-01-01
분량 168 pages
편집 1
판형 254 x 203 mm
개정판정보 July 2018
정가 24,000원↓
판매가 24,000
(0% off)
적립금 1,200원(5%)

Prism Reading Level 1 has 8 units to develop vocabulary, academic, and critical thinking skills. Students experience topics through fascinating readings in a wide variety of genres and formats to become familiar with material they might face in or outside the college classroom. Each book includes a single-use code to access the Online Workbook that has one new reading per unit, extra practice to further improve reading, vocabulary, and language development. Other resources include videos and recordings of readings. Activities have automated feedback to help with learner autonomy, and for teachers to spend less time grading and more time teaching.




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