Four Corners 2/e SB 3 with Digital Pack
Four Corners 2/e SB 3 with Digital Pack
ISBN 9781009286534
저자 Jack C. Richards, David Bohlke
발행일 2023-03-16
Page extent 160 pages
Size 276 x 216 mm
정가 26,000원↓
판매가 26,000
(0% off)
적립금 1,300원(5%)

An integrated four-skills, American English course for adults and young adults. Four Corners Second Edition Level 3 (CEFR B1) combines effective, communicative methodology with a practical, 'can-do' approach. Twelve units covering topics such as relationships and vacations give students the language they need to communicate with confidence. Clear learning outcomes and 'can-do' statements for every lesson, linked to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), help teachers and their students measure the progress being made. Student's Book with Digital Pack contains a unique code that gives access to an eBook with audio, self-grading Digital Workbook, and online resources. 

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